
FDA Disclosure

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At LivingActiveGuide, we strive to do our best to comply with the rules set forth by the Federal Trade Commission pertaining to the use of testimonials, endorsements, and content in advertising and marketing. We want our visitors to understand that in some instances we may get paid a commission to feature or endorse products or services on this site. However, we hold a strong stance on promoting only true quality products. If a product does not meet our expectations, we simply will not, under any circumstances, recommend it to our visitors. Some hyperlinks on this site are affiliate links, meaning that we may earn a commission when a visitor follows through with purchasing the product mentioned via those hyperlinks.

When reviewing a product, we are absolutely never paid for doing the review. We invest our own time, money, and resources to bring you honest, anecdotal reports. The writers of this site may be compensated to provide their own personal experiences, opinion, and research on products, services, websites, and other subjects. Although our writers may receive compensation for creating content, we mandate that they give only their absolute honest findings, opinions, beliefs, and experiences on the subject matter. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the writer. Any claim, statistic, or other representation of a product should be verified with the manufacturer.

The opinions and thoughts discussed on this website will not necessarily reflect the views of the owners, manufacturers, and/or retailers of the products. Reader feedback is welcome and appreciated. We feel it is important for you, our readers, to understand the relationship between a person reviewing a product and the manufacturer or supplier of said product. If you do not see a disclosure policy such as this on a website or blog, that website may be in violation of the law or codes set forth by the FTC. Thank you for being a visitor to LivingActiveGuide.